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De Palma Coppacollo: A Culinary Masterpiece from Neck to Table

Delight in the rich heritage and artisanal craftsmanship of De Palma Coppacollo, a distinguished salumi derived from the whole muscle of the neck. Also known as ‘Coppa’ or ‘Ossocollo’, this dry-cured delicacy is a celebration of flavor, texture, and meticulous preparation.

Key Features:

  • Premium Whole Muscle: De Palma Coppacollo stands out for being crafted from the whole muscle of the neck, ensuring a premium cut that embodies the essence of artisanal salumi.
  • Traditional Dry Curing: The salumi undergoes a traditional dry-curing process, where it is lightly seasoned, massaged, and wrapped into a natural collagen casing. It is then patiently hung for up to three to four months to achieve the perfect balance of flavors and textures.
  • Delicate Flavor Profile: Esteemed for its delicate flavor, De Palma Coppacollo offers a subtle and nuanced taste that captivates the palate. The careful seasoning and curing process contribute to its exceptional flavor profile.
  • Tender and Artfully Marbled: Appreciate the tender and artfully marbled texture of Coppacollo, making it a true indulgence for those who appreciate the finer qualities of cured meats.
  • Versatile Slicing: Typically sliced very thinly, De Palma Coppacollo is a versatile salumi that finds its place in various culinary creations. Whether adorning antipasto platters or elevating sandwiches like panini and pizza, its thin slices ensure a delightful experience.

Ways to Enjoy De Palma Coppacollo:

  • Antipasto Elegance: Arrange thin slices of Coppacollo on your antipasto platter to add an element of elegance. Pair it with a selection of cheeses, olives, and crusty bread for a sophisticated appetizer.
  • Gourmet Sandwiches: Elevate your sandwiches, whether it’s a classic panini or a homemade pizza, by layering on delicate slices of Coppacollo. Its tender texture and nuanced flavor enhance the overall culinary experience.
  • Charcuterie Board Star: Make De Palma Coppacollo the star of your charcuterie board, complementing other cured meats and accompaniments. Its artful marbling and rich taste will be a highlight.
  • Culinary Creativity: Incorporate Coppacollo into your culinary creations, from pasta dishes to salads, adding a touch of sophistication and depth to your recipes.